Web site created by Microstudios - copyright 2009 c 
Real Estate Promotions 
Although displaying properties on TVs placed in an Agents Window is not new, the
emergence of new technology and innovations have taken this to a new level.
It also allows the promotion of properties at alternate sites (great for regional or holiday
home sales) and Video Property Catalogues.
Benefits of new Technology and Innovations :
New inexpensive LCD flat panel screens
allow a brighter and more appealing display
with a small footprint. These can be
mounted just about anywhere.
New projectors with the use of an
innovative clear film allow the projecting of
properties directly onto your window display
or glass doors. These are now inexpensive
options with great appeal.
Modern projectors are very versatile and
open a myriad of new marketing
opportunities. Projectors can even be used
to attract attention by displaying properties
on the entrance floor of an office etc.
Digital memory cards now allow for continuous uninterrupted playing of footage
without quality loss and the wear and tear of old video tape technology.
Microstudios initiatives for the Real Estate Industry 
We create productions that can be updated regularly and suitable to be displayed in
many locations and in various formats. The productions can be a combination of both
video and photos.
An LCD screen or projector display in your shop front window.
Alternate site displays. These could be in a busy local coffee shop,
eat-in fast food outlet or any other store or office that has clients who
are waiting or sitting for several minutes. The business displaying your
screen has the advantage that it provides a point of interest and the
video can include promotions for their products or business.
Individual house productions can be played on TVs on open house
inspections, possibly showing extra footage about the area and other
special features.
Videos can be shown prior to auctions.
Videos can be compressed to be used on web sites and streamed on
various sites.
Videos can be compiled onto a DVD and distributed as a catalogue.
Videos of regional or holiday home properties can be promoted in city locations.